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“Candy cabbie” Mansoor Khalid

(PakistaniGoodNews.blogspot.com) MEENA HART DUERSON Friday, October 05, 2012 Now that's one sweet ride. Taxi driver Mansoor Khalid is on a one-man mission to cheer up New Yorkers with a daily dose of candy. "The New York life is not the easy life," Khalid, 36, told the Daily News. "People are depressed. I see a lot of people stressed sitting back there." Khalid, who moved to New York from Pakistan in 1993 and has been driving a cab since 1997, had already seen the impact of small acts of generosity. During the two years he spent in the hospital with his son, he routinely brought coffee and desserts to the doctors and nurses when he got off his shift at 1 a.m. "They got so happy when in the middle of the night I gave every person coffee," he said. "I was so nice to them and they were so nice to me." "We encourage drivers to go the extra mile in the name of customer service, and Mr. Khalid certainly does this," said Taxi and Limousine Commission boss David Yassky. "We appreciate the loyalty he inspires in his passengers." Loyalty isn't the goal, considering that Khalid responds to every hail, candy or no candy. His mission is to spread warmth. "It's a little thing," he said, "but people get happy." http://articles.nydailynews.com/2012-10-05/news/34264566_1_spread-warmth-taxi-david-yassky "Candy cabbie" Mansoor Khalid gives passengers as much candy as they can eat